Ryan Lau | Portfolio
A UWP app tailored for every bit of your brilliant experience for portfolio viewing on Windows 10.
基于通用 Windows 平台开发的我的作品集 App,可用于包括 PC、平板、手机、HoloLens 等所有 Windows 10 设备。
Notice: Due to private concerns, the app is hidden and not accessible from search. It can only be found via the links provided above.
注意:出于隐私考量,该 App 已设置为隐藏,无法通过搜索获取,只能通过本页面中提供的链接获取。
Release Notes
Version 1.2.1 / April 14, 2016
Error page receives minor changes. 对报错页面做出了部分修改 Along with this update, a new set of promotional screenshots is revealed. 本次更新伴随推出了一套新的商店推广截图
Version 1.2 / April 9, 2016
Performance improvement which means now the app loads over three times faster than before. 性能提升,App 的加载速度现比过去快三倍以上 Font weight receives minor changes. 调整了部分字重
Version 1.1 / April 7, 2016
Back button is here. 添加了通用后退键支持 App title bar is now colored. 标题栏将显示主题色 Live tile is coming to the medium size tile. 添加了中号大小的动态磁贴 About page now displays the app version number. 「关于作品集」将显示版本号 Footer is now removed for a more immersive app experience. 为带来更好的体验,页脚现已被移除 Better high-resolution support. 优化了高分辨率屏幕下的显示
Version 1.0 / April 5, 2016
Initial release. 初始公开版本发布